
The information on BobSaid.Com is in no way to be considered legal, accounting or tax advice. All references to other sources of information made herein should be thoroughly researched and checked by your own professionals. The information disseminated hereafter is from many different sources and Bob has added to, augmented, extended and/or rearranged with his own thoughts, experience and research. The material is presented herein for educational purposes and it is the reader’s responsibility to determine how, if at all, the information is to be utilized. The information has been gathered over the years from numerous sources and no claim is made to be an attorney, paralegal or other any other type of legal counselor. It is essential that the reader determine the validity of any and all information presented herein. Bob therefore disclaims any responsibility for any liability or loss incurred as a consequence of the use or application, directly or indirectly, of any advice, perceived advice, or information presented herein. Neither can Bob be held responsible for any errors or omissions that may be found herein.

W.R. (Bob) Marlowe is an Independent Representative of The Estate Plan providing the documents of The Estate Plan to his clients under the supervision and review of a California attorney. Bob does not speak on behalf of The Estate Plan and The Estate Plan is not responsible for the information provided on BobSaid.Com.

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