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(If a married couple, unless all information is identical, use Wife page)

The following items are the major areas of debate when creating an estate plan. If you can provide the requested information, you can create a plan. All other details can be dealt with when you meet with your advisor. Ideally, you would provide at least two successors for each position of authority. Occasionally, circumstances make this impossible. Documents can still be prepared.

CAUTION - If you have any problems filling in this form, please do not let that delay making an appointment. An experienced advisor is especially valuable in assisting with such decisions.

I. Who would you like to have authority over your assets if you become incompetent or should die?
You may name more than one person on each line. Details will be discussed with your advisor.
First (usually your spouse, if married) _________________________________________
Successor _______________________________________________________________
Alternate successor _________________________________________________________

II. Who would you like to receive your assets after you (or you and your spouse) have died? Simply list the names and the percentages you wish each to receive. These are your “primary beneficiaries.” Feel free to add more names if there are not enough lines. “Token” gifts will be listed separately.
Name Percentage
1.______________________________________________________________ _________%
2. _____________________________________________________________ _________%
3. _____________________________________________________________ _________%
4. _____________________________________________________________ _________%
5. _____________________________________________________________ _________%
6. _____________________________________________________________ _________%
Distribution schedules for each of the above beneficiaries as well as what you desire if a beneficiary should become unavailable will be customized to your family’s needs.

III. Whom would you like to make your health care decisions if you are unable to do so? Please limit choices to one person for each line.
First (Usually your spouse, if married)_________________________________________
Successor _______________________________________________________________
Alternate Successor _________________________________________________________

IV. What is the total value of your estate (combined assets for a married couple)? This information will determine the type of documents you will need. Include the value of all assets, life insurance death benefits, and retirement plans. Exact amounts are not necessary - simply estimate. Your advisor will discuss handling each type of asset.
Assets $_______________________ Life insurance death benefits $____________________

V. If you have minor children, whom do you want to be their Guardian if you are deceased?
Spouse is normally first if all children are of this marriage. Name individuals, not couples.

VI. For married couples, do you have any assets which you have maintained as Separate Property?
_____ Yes _____ No

VII. How do you currently hold title to real estate?
___ Individual ___Community Property ___ Community Property With Right of Survivorship
___ Joint tenants ___Tenants In Common

With the above information, your initial appointment should take approximately an hour. Ask your advisor what documents to take to the appointment.